Season Ticket Donation Program
Are you a season ticket holder with a couple of extra tickets you know you won’t be using this season? Maybe you have a vacation planned, or the kids are away at camp for a week, whatever the reason, we don’t want those seats to sit empty!
The Kamloops NorthPaws have partnered with BGC Kamloops (formerly the Boys and Girls Club of Kamloops) to make sure everyone has a chance to enjoy and cheer on the NorthPaws this season! If you have any tickets you won’t be using, we kindly ask you donate them to BGC Kamloops, who will pass them onto another family in the community.
Any ticket donation is greatly appreciated by the NorthPaws, BGC Kamloops, and the families receiving the tickets, however ticket donations in groups of two are preferred.
To donate, contact Megan at outlining the details of your ticket donation (seats, quantity, etc.). Any questions about the program can be emailed to

Photo by Allen Douglas