Kamloops Northpaw Roster

Food And Beverages Available At Dearborn Ford Field

The Kanteen

Click “Learn More” to view the new menu choices available at the Kanteen in 2024!

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Twisted Spirit Cold Zone

Click “Learn More” to see what cold Molson Coors products are available for your enjoyment!

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Northpaws concessions

Click “Learn More” to find out what sweet treats our Northpaws concessions have to offer!

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The Molson Coors Chill Zone
Click “Learn More” to find out all about The Molson Coors Chill Zone experience!

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Hey 'Paws fans! Only 24 more days until our home opener, and we wanted to make sure you all had to chance to join us in style at the stadium this...

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NorthPaws Name Francis Head Coach

NorthPaws Name Francis Head Coach

KAMLOOPS, BC—The Kamloops NorthPaws didn’t have to look far when searching for their newest head coach. Original article written by Larry Read. Just...

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July perfect so far for NorthPaws

July perfect so far for NorthPaws

Author: Larry Read KAMLOOPS BC—Fans of the Kamloops NorthPaws experienced something they hadn’t in nearly a month.  That was a victory by their team...

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Theme Nights